Laméca file

Cuban Abakuá music



1. The Abakuá institution : a Carabalí foundation in Cuban society

"Eribó Eribonyé" (extract) by Enyenison Enkama Project - album Ecobio Enyenisón (Habana Harlem, 2009).


2. Styles of Abakuá music : Nyánkue rites; Efó and Efí lineages; the lamellophone; percussion instruments

"Abakuá" (extract) from Rapsodia Rumbera vol. 2 (EGREM).


3. Abakuá ceremonial music

"Abakuá - Ekuenyón" (extract) by Victor Herrera, from Viejos cantos afrocubanos: antología de la música afrocubana. vol. 1 (EGREM, 1962).
Normally only one Ekuenyón and one Mpegó search for the Voice. This recording has the voices of two alternating Ekuenyóns, each carrying their own drum, each accompanied by a different Mpego with their own ekón. This would occur in the rare case of two lodges ‘planting’, each Ekuenyón and Mpegó working with the Fundament of their particular lodge.

"Eribo anangando".

"Marcha Efi de La Habana : Ekon y Enkomo Kuchi-Yeremá".


"Marcha Efi de Matanzas : Ekon y Enkomo Kuchi-Yeremá".


"Marcha Efí de la Habana" from Antologia de la musica afrocubana, vol. 10 Abakuá (Areito), Goyo Hernández (lead).
The beginning phrases evoke Abakuá musical instruments.


"Apapa Efí" from Ibiono (Caribe Production, 2001), Ángel Guerrero-Vecino (lead voice), Pedro-Suárez ‘El Yuma’ (prayer to the Bonkó drum).
This recording has phrases from the mythic-legend of the Bonkó, with reference to the war between the Enyémiyá and the Ekerewá to take possession of the ‘bakarióngo’ cloth and to consecrate the Bonkó in Efí land (i.e., Apapa Obane).


"Oru Afiana" from Ibiono (Caribe Production, 2001), “Pablito”, Moruá Yuánsa de Bakokó Efó, lead voice.


"Encame de Abakuá (Efó-Efí)" by Conjunto de percusion de danza nacional de Cuba, Homenaje: Jesús Pérez in Memoriam (Areito, 1987).
Women are heard in the chorus of this track.


"Canto Abakuá" from La música del pueblo Cubano vol. 1-2 (Caribe Production, 1987).
In ceremonies, this track is performed with drums.


"Abakwa song" from Cult Music of Cuba (Folkways Records, 1951).
Recorded by Harold Courlander (Guanabacoa, Cuba, 1940s).


"Wemba" by Victor Herrera, from Afro-Cuba: A Musical Anthology (Rounder Records, 1994).


"Amana mana unpáyra".



1. The Abakuá institution : a Carabalí foundation in Cuban society
2. Styles of Abakuá music : Nyánkue rites; Efó and Efí lineages; the lamellophone; percussion instruments
3. Abakuá ceremonial music
4. Abakuá influence in Cuban popular music
Musical examples


By Dr Ivor L. Miller

© Médiathèque Caraïbe / Conseil Départemental de la Guadeloupe, 2016